Články a reportáže

Datum: 05.11.2009 | Autor: Martin | Přečt.: 30464x | Kom.: 73 | Rub.: Blbiny

Rychlokvašky atd.


Lehce nabyl, lehce pozbyl, říká přísloví. Naši dědové by se asi podivili, jak se jim tohle pořekadlo nepovedlo. V případě rychlostudentů, jak se jim teď módně říká, to rozhodně neplatí. Prostě na to nejsou páky.

To, že se tahle kauza provalila, mě sice zkraje pobavilo, ale teď je mi z toho všeho tak nějak podivně po těle.

Zdravý rozum napovídá zcela jasné řešení, obšlehnul jsi svojí práci, obešel jsi co se dalo, máš titul neprávem? – Vrať ho!

Ale kdepak! Nejde to! Existuje přeci tolik důvodů proč to nejde.

Všichni rychloštudenti z toho mají těžké hlavy. Jenom doufám, že až je z těch rychlotitulů a zmatků kolem nich klepne, že je bude léčit nějaký rychlolékař, poveze je nějaký řidič s rychlořidičákem nějakou dobrou sanitkou, kterou zkonstruovali nějací rychloinženýři.

. Naštěstí žádní rychlolékaři doufám asi nejsou, takže páni politici k ujmě nepřijsou, až je klepne z těch rycholitulů. A my voliči? Na nás přece nezáleží. Naštěstí snad v politice, kde většina rychlostudentů funguje, snad žádné velké kopance neudělají. Ale kdo ví?

My muzikanti mezi sebou rychlomuzikanty nemáme. Hned je vidět a slyšet kdo umí a kdo čumí. Ale také víme, že všechny umělecké rychlokvašky odešly tak rychle jak se objevily. Kéž by to tak fungovalo všude.

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od: Alexandra Mikaela alexmikaela 15.10.2024 04:20:52

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Cranberry blast</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-takeover/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Takeover</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/torchiez-fuego-berry/" rel="dofollow">Torchiez Fuego berry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/new-york-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">New York Marshmallow</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-candied-yams/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Candied Yams</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-new-york-cheesecake/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez New York Cheesecake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdrops-mint-mojito/" rel="dofollow">Gumdrops Mint Mojito</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marshmallow-twisted/" rel="dofollow">Marshmallow Twisted</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marshmallow-tripple-stack-smorez/" rel="dofollow">Marshmallow </a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/torchiez-chili-mango/" rel="dofollow">Torchiez Chili</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/raspberry-swirl-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">RASPBERRY SWIRL</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-apple-pie/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Apple Pie</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-pumpkin-strain/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Pumpkin</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookies-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Cookies Marshmallow</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-kiwi-cooler/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz kiwi</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-mint-chip/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Mint</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/chokocovered-banana-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">ChokoCovered</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/funfetti-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Funfetti</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/raspberry-ripple-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Raspberry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/strawberry-cheesecake-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/rainbow-bubblegum-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Rainbow</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/key-lime-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Key Lime</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marshmallow-raspberry-ripple/" rel="dofollow">Marshmallow</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/blueberry-pie-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Blueberry Pie</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/fruity-pebblez-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Fruity Pebblez</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/watermelon-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Watermelon m</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/birthdaycake-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Birthdaycake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/blue-mm-sprinklez/" rel="dofollow">Blue M&M</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marshmallow-super-duper/" rel="dofollow">Super Duper</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marshmallow-froot-loopz/" rel="dofollow">Froot Loopz</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-concord-grape/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-gumdropz/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez G</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-poppin-papaya/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz p</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-mango-mayhem/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Ma</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-island-punch/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Is</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-wacky-watermelon/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Wa</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-strawberry-splash/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz St</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-berry-bonanza/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Be</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gumdropz-wild-berry/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Wi</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/torchiez-blazin-banana/" rel="dofollow">Torchiez Bla</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/torchiez-red-hotz/" rel="dofollow">Torchiez R</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/original-torchiez/" rel="dofollow">Original To</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/grapefruit-cooler/" rel="dofollow">Grapefruit Cooler</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-marshmallow-madness/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Mars</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-creamy-peanut-butter/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Cre</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-peach-perfection/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Peach</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-cherry-lemonade/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Ch</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-sweet-tartz/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Sweet</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-cotton-candy/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Cotton</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-candy-apple/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Ca</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/original-sprinklez-brand/" rel="dofollow">Original Sprinklez</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookies-and-cream-milkshake-strain/" rel="dofollow">Cookies & Cream Milkshake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/orange-creamsicle/" rel="dofollow">Orange Creamsicle</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/golden-pineapple/" rel="dofollow">Golden Pineapple</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/torch-world-root-beer-float/" rel="dofollow">Root Beer Float</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/white-chocolate-strawberry/" rel="dofollow">White Chocolate Strawberry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/frozen-hawaiian-punch/" rel="dofollow">Frozen Hawaiian Punch</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/bubblegum/" rel="dofollow">Bubblegum</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/jolly-rancher-candy-apple/" rel="dofollow">Jolly Rancher Candy Apple</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/dulce-de-leche/" rel="dofollow">Dulce de Leche</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/buttermilk-doughnuts/" rel="dofollow">Buttermilk Doughnuts</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/kiwi-strawberry-splash/" rel="dofollow">Kiwi Strawberry Splash</a><a href="https://deutscheapothekes.com/product/wegovy-kaufen/" rel="dofollow">Wegovy</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/rainbow-sherbet-cotton-candy/" rel="dofollow">Rainbow Sherbet Cotton Candy</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/mandarin-lime/" rel="dofollow">Mandarin Lime</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/strawberry-banana-pudding/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Banana Pudding</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookie-monster/" rel="dofollow">Cookies Monster</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookies-cream-milkshake/" rel="dofollow">Cookies & Cream Milkshake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/rainbow-confetti-birthday-cake/" rel="dofollow">Rainbow Confetti Birthday Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/smores-stuffed-french-toast/" rel="dofollow">S’mores Stuffed French Toast</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/starburst-slurpee/" rel="dofollow">Starburst Slurpee</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/fresas-con-crema/" rel="dofollow">Fresas con Crema</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/red-velvet-cheesecake/" rel="dofollow">Red Velvet Cheesecake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/blue-raspberry-thunder-slurpee/" rel="dofollow">Blue Raspberry Thunder Slurpee</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/wild-berry/" rel="dofollow">Wild Berry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/fantastic-funfetti/" rel="dofollow"><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/froot-loops-ice-cream/" rel="dofollow">Froot Loops Ice Cream</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/neapolitan/" rel="dofollow">Neapolitan</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/rainbow-bubblegum/" rel="dofollow">Rainbow Bubblegum</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/hawaiian-guava-cake/" rel="dofollow">Hawaiian Guava Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/raspberry-ripple-marshmallow-2/" rel="dofollow">Marshmallow Raspberry Ripple</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-banana-upsidedown-cake/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Banana Upsidedown Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sour-patch-marshmallow/" rel="dofollow">Sour Patch Marshmallow</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/lemon-blueberry-cheesecake-bar/" rel="dofollow">Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bar</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/basque-burnt-cheesecake/" rel="dofollow">Basque Burnt Cheesecake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sprinklez-boston-cream-pie/" rel="dofollow">Sprinklez Boston Cream Pie</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gummy-bears/" rel="dofollow">Gumdropz Gummy Bears</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/fruit-gushers/" rel="dofollow">Fruit Gushers</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/marble-pound-cake/" rel="dofollow">Marble Pound Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/strawberry-brownie/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Brownie</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/7up-pound-cake/" rel="dofollow">7UP Pound Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/raspberry-cheesecake-truffles/" rel="dofollow">Raspberry Cheesecake Truffles</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gummi-peachie-os/" rel="dofollow">Gummi Peachie O’s</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/gummy-wormz/" rel="dofollow">Gummy Wormz</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/honey-vanilla/" rel="dofollow">Honey Vanilla</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/brite-crawlers/" rel="dofollow">Brite Crawlers</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/munyun/" rel="dofollow">Munyun</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/funfetti-pound-cake/" rel="dofollow">Funfetti Pound Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/triple-melon-lemonade/" rel="dofollow">Triple Melon Lemonade</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/coconut-tapioca/" rel="dofollow">Coconut Tapioca</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/banana-split/" rel="dofollow">Banana Split</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/jasmine-panna-cotta/" rel="dofollow">Jasmine Panna Cotta</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/mango-peach/" rel="dofollow">Mango Peach</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/vanilla-berry/" rel="dofollow">Vanilla Berry</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/twix-milkshake/" rel="dofollow">Twix Milkshake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/asian-pear/" rel="dofollow">Asian Pear</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/tutti-frutti-snow-cone/" rel="dofollow">Tutti Frutti Snow Cone</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sour-belts-green-apple/" rel="dofollow">Sour Belts Green Apple</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/lemon-meringue/" rel="dofollow">Lemon Meringue</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/lucky-charms-cereal-bars/" rel="dofollow">Lucky Charms Cereal Bars</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/malibu-sunset/" rel="dofollow">Malibu Sunset</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/blood-orange/" rel="dofollow">Blood Orange</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/midnight-fantasy/" rel="dofollow">Midnight Fantasy</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cherry-lime-blastoff/" rel="dofollow">Cherry Lime Blastoff</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookie-butter/" rel="dofollow">Cookie Butter</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/bubble-gum/" rel="dofollow">Macaronz Bubble Gum</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sour-belts-rainbows/" rel="dofollow">Sour Belts Rainbows</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/strawberry-cheesecake-pie/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Cheesecake Pie</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/white-mystery/" rel="dofollow">White Mystery</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/tropical-skittles-swirl/" rel="dofollow">Tropical Skittles Swirl</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/blackberry-cobbler/" rel="dofollow">Blackberry Cobbler</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/soda-pop-strain/" rel="dofollow">Soda Pop strain</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/strawberry-vanilla/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Vanilla</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/miami-sprinklez/" rel="dofollow">Miami Sprinklez</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/honey-pack/" rel="dofollow">Honey Pack</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cinnamon-roll-bread/" rel="dofollow">Cinnamon Roll Bread</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sour-cherry-lemonade/" rel="dofollow">Sour Cherry Lemonade</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/saturn-splash-punch/" rel="dofollow">Saturn Splash Punch</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/fruity-pebbles-treats/" rel="dofollow">Fruity Pebbles Treats</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/all-american/" rel="dofollow">All American</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/sex-on-the-beach/" rel="dofollow">Sex on the Beach</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/nerds-candy-cake/" rel="dofollow">Nerds Candy Cake</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/creamy-coconut-tres-leches/" rel="dofollow">Creamy Coconut Tres Leches</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/cookies-and-cream/" rel="dofollow">Cookies and Cream</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/summer-berry-cake-pops/" rel="dofollow">Summer Berry Cake Pops</a><a href="https://sprinklezbuds.com/product/pop-cheesecake-bites/" rel="dofollow">Pop Cheesecake Bites</a><a 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