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Uživatel Titulek
Asthalin inhaler contains steroids
24.02.2024 12:49:42

Cipla Asthalin inhaler is short-acting bronchodilators that help reduce breathing difficulties caused by asthma attacks. They are often used to treat sudden (acute) symptoms of the disease such as wheezing, coughing and chest tightness. They usually act within a few minutes and are effective for three to six hours. They are available in the form of a spray inhaler that delivers a consistent dose of medication.

Using short-acting inhalers correctly can help people who have asthma manage their condition effectively. Patients should use them at the first sign of an asthma attack and as regularly as prescribed. In addition, they should also track their symptoms and use a peak flow meter to keep a record of changes and be alert to any changes in their health condition.

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